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The stories 
we tell 




years experience in
global tech companies


students from all
around the world


workshops and keynotes across Europe and America



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Stories make us human.
 Through them we empathize and connect, we inspire transformation, and find meaning.

Inspired by classic humanities and design methodologies, we combine Storytelling and Design Thinking to help businesses and leaders build their Brandcreate human-centered narratives, and connect with their value proposition.

I’m a Humanist, a Design leader, and a Storyteller.

Stories are the feature our brain uses to codify reality, and create perspective.
Combining a background in human sciences and experience as product & design leader, I'm on a mission to build bridges between tech & humanities, and inspire transformation through narrative effectiveness.


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Brand Storytelling for Individuals

You as a Brand, to generate the impact you want. We’re all heroes of our own story. Sometimes we just need to simplify chaos and align narrative elements to embrace our journey and pursue a clear vision and perspective.  Whenever it's career or personal development, we'll work together to envision your happy ending, and build the plot to success.

Brand Storytelling for Business

What’s the story you want to tell with your Brand? What is your business value proposition? How do you design narratives to lead transformation inside and outside your organization? We deliver tailored consultancies and training sessions for teams and companies to build strategic narratives and drive business results.

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We specialize in delivering highly customized keynotes tailored specifically for meetups and events. Our primary objective is to go beyond traditional presentations — we aim to captivate and engage the audience by delivering thought-provoking discussions that leave a lasting impact. Our keynotes are carefully crafted to bring unique perspectives to the forefront, stimulating intellectual curiosity and inspiring meaningful conversations.

Hellen Jimmy


"Excellent course, teachers like Daniel should be everywhere. Thank you for everything."
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